
We are receiving donations for 2024. We have been allocated $559,683.56.

Click on the donate tab and help families experience a Christ-centered experience.


Provide the choice for a Christian education

Your donation directly offsets tuition for qualifying families.

Plus, it may also qualify for federal tax deductions depending on your situation.

Dollars donated to an STO and distributed to a school can only be used to offset tuition. That means you can be assured you have a direct impact on the lives of students.

Achieve additional tax advantages by:

  1. Donating directly from RMD and QCD to avoid Federal and State Income Tax
  2. Donating appreciated stock to avoid capital gains
  3. Donating Crops to avoid self employment tax , State and Federal Income Tax on donated dollars

Contact Joel Groenenboom (641) 295-2003 with Questions.

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